When Illinois State Police arrested me in Aug 2011 they did a few things shall we say that isn't legal. The searched my home without a search warrant and without permission. They took a large green wooden box full of ammo and Ar-15 magazines and pistol mags.( the box of ammo is sold now) Also a large slug barrel for deer hunting. Here you will see that one, they didn't document that they even took the large wooden box and the slug barrel on there evidence receipt.when I got out I noticed these items missing from my home so I called Mercer county. they confirmed that yes they were taken by state police. I called State Police Special Agent Ryan Tone, he denied that they took it was only when I told him that Mercer county confirmed that yes it was taken by state police that he said well ahh i was not in the home at the time.when the items were taken from Illinois State Police evidence in January low and behold 4 ar-15 clips we're missing.( There Were 6 In The box) I filed a complaint for stolen proberty. Then the LG that was assigned to investigate the complaint threatened me with arrest for touching a bullet. my complaint came back and they Said We Find No Wrong doing by Illinois State Police. They Took evidence. Did not document it. When confronted about it denied it. Then when I get the evidence back from them, there is some of my property missing. They search my home without a warrant. They take property and do not document it. Then denied they took it. I get it back and some is missing. And when I file a complaint I am threatened with arrest by the LT of Illinois State Police for touching a bullet. Wow here you will see the items in question. And here you readers see more corruption.
There were 6 at magazines. My brother in LA sent them to me years ago. I get the box back (that they denied they even took and did not record it on the evidence receipt) and then there's only 2. They took 4
You will notice the evidence receipt below. That is what was given to me . Notice no documentation of the large green box. Notice no mention of a shotgun barrel.NONE. Now this is Illinois State Police. They take evidence this large and they do not even document it? Then denied they even took it? And then help there selves to it and steal evidence (4 are mags) and they call me a criminal? It's right here reader's you can see for yourselves that what I'm saying is true.
There were 6 at magazines. My brother in LA sent them to me years ago. I get the box back (that they denied they even took and did not record it on the evidence receipt) and then there's only 2. They took 4
You will notice the evidence receipt below. That is what was given to me . Notice no documentation of the large green box. Notice no mention of a shotgun barrel.NONE. Now this is Illinois State Police. They take evidence this large and they do not even document it? Then denied they even took it? And then help there selves to it and steal evidence (4 are mags) and they call me a criminal? It's right here reader's you can see for yourselves that what I'm saying is true.