Sunday, December 25, 2011



Village of Cordova
    Police Commission Meeting
July 13, 2011

     A meeting of the Police Committee was called to order by the Police Committee chairman Bruce Wood in the Conference Room at 7:30PM.
     Those seated at the table were Bruce Wood, Rochelle Kindelsperger, Ray Goossens, Ryan Gaines and Clerk Sharon Peterson.
    Also in attendance were the members of the Village Board- Larry Dhooge, John Myers, John Haan, Dean Moyer and Patsy Fidlar.  Others in attendance-Quad city Times Brian Wellner, Dispatch/Review-Lyle Ernst, Dispatch Bill Mayoroff , Linda Meinheit,
Mary McCarthy, George Kerr, Ken McCool, Mike Piatt, Barber-Jared, Vicky and Jared, Amy Haan, Candy Moyer, Ed Vaughn, John Henyan, Del Moyer, Elaine Winter, Mary Ann Saathoff, Shelly Owens, Laurie Knight, Tom Ray, Cordova Dragway-Scott Gardner, Jim & Joanne Hines, Bob Willhite and Colleen Melody, Bill and James Somers, Kathy Brown, Bonnie Olson, Jim Boone, Alvin Barber, Bob & Ginny Bennett, Jared Cole,  TJ Marsden, Julie Hager, Lynn Fidlar, Patrick Wirth

  Bruce announced this is the first meeting of the newly formed Police Committee and he was going to use a power point presentation.  We will be looking at fact based assessments, finalizing a survey to be sent out to the public to gain public input and comments.  This meeting will be recorded and Sharon will be doing the minutes.

    The meeting rules were noted as follows: only speak when recognized by the chair, only offer fact based comments or evidence and limit it to 2 minutes and be courteous and respectful.

    The Police Committee membership- after Fridays meeting Jon Kavanaugh, Cordova Township has resigned from the Committee.  Rochelle Kindelsperger was introduced as the citizen on the Police Committee and she has experience as a former lieutenant on the Oklahoma State Police.  Rochelle is also a member of the community for 9 years and has volunteered to serve on the Committee.

     Rochelle noted she was thrilled when asked to participate on the Police Committee and being able to serve the community.  When we met to work on the survey it was brought to the attention that the meeting may be a gray area and that is why we are having this meeting tonight. The newspaper said I made statements about the officers and that is not the truth. I am an individual and will make my own comments. I will stay neutral until the facts are presented.  It is then up to the Board to make a decision. I was highly upset with the newspaper and the false statements printed.  Bruce noted the Dispatch did print a correction.

      Rochelle I do my best and do not feed off of others-we all have different ideas.  I do think the survey is a good idea to gain input and comments.  You are the people who pay these guys wages. I am highly upset with the actions of this community and I have told Bruce so I must resign for reasons of my health.  Bruce thanked Rochelle for her assistance and contribution to the Committee.  I am extremely disappointed to the point of anger that the community is making this job so difficult.  I do plan on using Rochelle as a point of contact.  Shame on you people! I am now a Committee of one due to the controversy generated by Friday’s meeting. I invite John Myers to the table and he is a part of the Police Committee. The committee should be 2 from the Village, 2 from the Township and a citizen.

      Jon Myers, I have not prepared for this meeting and I had no agenda.

      Dean Moyer asked where in the Police Protection Contract it states that the Township must be involved. Bruce read item 4-“Police protection within the Village and Township shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the Police Committee of the Village , and two representatives of the Township, with approval of the Township Board, to serve as non-voting members of the Village Police Committee with said Township representatives to serve terms of one year beginning on January 1st of the following year, or until a successor is appointed and approved.”  Bruce we need a committee of 5 members.

      Bruce introduced the officers to the public and noted he had received a resignation from Ray Goossen today as the Investigating Sgt and he not a patrolman.  If that was the goal you have succeeded.  Ray has helped me tremendously but he knows what is best for himself and his family.  Ryan Gaines was the target of Friday’s meeting and he is the newest officer.  We also have 2 other part-time officers but they were not required to be here tonight.  We also have back-up protection from Rock Island County, Illinois State Police and Mutual aid agreements with surrounding communities.

   The people need to know what the officers are doing and we post the activity monthly report. Lyle Ernst noted he also publishes the monthly report in the Review.

    Bruce’s presentation included some statistical information regarding stops.  Jim Boone questioned how many of the citations issues got thrown out?  You need to give us that information also. Bill Somers, your numbers do not add up!  Bruce, some stops we issue warnings and other stops we may issue multiple citations.

    I have been able to obtain financial information of the Police Department for the last 12 years  (see page 12) as well as hours of coverage history (see page 13 and 14). Also included are the projected revenues (page 15) and the Budget (page 16).

     John Myers, I have worked on some budget figures but I did not know I would be sitting here.  We also need to include the cost of the vehicles. We need to be looking at the present usage how much service time they have before they will need to be replaced.
 Bruce noted the Impala was mostly purchased with Grant funding.  John Myers, we do not know the future availability of grant funding.

     It was noted by Ryan that the Police Department has increased stationary patrols in an effort to cut fuel and vehicle expenses. Bruce noted page 10 of the statistical information shows in 2008-2,737 road hours and the first 6 months of 2011 with multiple officers working the road hours are 2,082.

     We have a situation in Cordova when people see one squad they think they can speed and we have been working 2 officers at a time to try to slow people down.

    Bruce stated there had been 2 meetings with Rock Island County (page 17).  They expressed a high degree of frustration with the Trustees calling them and they wanted the Mayor to contact them at my first meeting.  I then went along with the Mayor meeting.  We have talked about some pretty sensitive topics.

    Page 18 reflects the tax increase necessary to support protection services with Rock Island County.  Bruce noted a 1 year deputy is $35 and it goes up from there.  The officers were asked to state their hourly wage- Ray $11.33 and Ryan $10.50. Ryan noted we all attend the same Police Academy. Ray noted he has 18 years experience.

     Scott Gardner questioned if the cost of vehicles was factored into all quotes? Bruce, County would provide their own vehicle and we would be selling ours.

     Ray noted that Cordova would not have any protection after midnight as we fall in zone 3 and they can be anywhere from here to Andalusia at the other end of the
County.  The Village will also get any revenue not would we be a participant in any drug forfeitures, etc.

     Pat questioned if the numbers presented from Rock Island County for protection were their numbers of Bruce’s? I know Port Byron just contracted with Rock Island County for $156,000.  Bruce we meet with the person who writes the contracts. Bob, Rock Island did not say this is a hard fast number because they need more information to know what our full scope of protection would involve. Pat, these are inflated numbers by you! Bruce apparently you don’t understand or don’t want to and I don’t want anymore outburst from you or you will be asked to leave. Pat told the Village Officers they could not touch her and Ryan has been fired. I will leave.

     John Myers questioned where the revenue goes when a citation is issued in the Village. The deputy would be our employee.  He  noted he had checked and as this time has no clear answers yet.  I think when the citation goes through the court system our account will be credited.  Bruce are clearly not going to get what we currently do.

     Ray explained he worked in Andalusia until Rock Island County took over and he  still has contacts and knows they do not get any citation revenue and they are paying $82,000 for an officer from 4PM-midnight.

     Bruce, Rock Island County did share a copy of Port Byron’s contract with us.

     John Myers, I did call Clay, as his father was involved in the Port Byron contract and he is not sure on the revenues.
      Bruce you will see that Cordova Township contributes for the Police Protection and the Village will not have that source of revenue either.  Jim  Boone questioned since when did the Police focus become on revenue?  Who at Rock Island County is telling you all of this?

      Bill Somers, Rock Island County has a different level of professionalism. Bruce the survey will allow the citizens to address what they feel needs to be addressed.  The County deputies are also on a different carrier path.

     Ray, we are here to protect and serve, not for the sake of revenue. Our concern is public safety and we all know speed kills and DUI enforcement needs to be conducted.  I was involved previously with putting a 6 year on in a body bag and it was not nice.

     Bruce, last Sunday when I was returning to the Community I say Ryan had 3 motorcycles pulled over that had been traveling at 106 MPH.  We are not a speed trap and we are doing what is necessary.

    Mr. Willhite, you talk about team work to get people but yet you say your focus is not on revenue.  The actions of the police department hurt business during the outage. Bruce, they are here to serve and protect.

      Bruce page 19 deals with the meeting held last Friday was originally scheduled for Thursday then moved when the room was not available. I was not asked for my input. They had no data and yet they cut the police officers hours, objected to the Police Committee.  I have put a lot of energy and focus on what I am doing and I do not have a secret survey.  The survey has been in a lot of hands and I have asked the Board for a final review.  The only comments I have received were from John Myers.  I do not appreciate the personal attacks made on me and I do believe they are malicious and strong words.

     I know of one person selling their home and thought they had an interested buyer until they research Cordova-that’s the place causing  all the problems.

     Pages 20-21 are from the Illinois Compiled Statues dealing with the Illinois Police Officers Bill of Rights and I believe this is germane to Friday’s meeting. There are no sworn avadavat. I invite you to read this and you will find a violation has clearly occurred.

    Jim Hines, when I spoke with you did not say an avadavat was required.  Bruce, Please do so I am telling you now. I spent 2 hours with Mr. Hines total between 2 phone conversations.  Jim I do appreciate your time and thank you.

      Linda Mienheit, I had a problem handled by the Cordova Police Department and they were very respectful and even came back to check and follow-up on my welfare.

      Bruce there have been some very vocal allegations made.
     Julie Hager, I came to the meeting and brought my attorney and it made not difference. Bruce, the law is clear and we all need to follow the law.  Julie, are you saying my lawyer didn’t know what he was doing.  He now works for the States Attorney. It is funny he knows nothing.  Bruce, we need sworn affidavits.

     Ray questioned what Julie’s attorney had said.  Julie you 2 can be in a lot of trouble writing to my daughter and the intimidation. Ray, could be.   Bruce, I will talk to Julie. I have seen her complaint and her son’s.  We do have a complaint form to be used.

      Scott Gardner, I was a trustee for Albany for 8 years and the Police Chairperson for 4 years.  I was told by Whiteside County we can fire as Illinois is an at-will State.  We actually did so.  The Board has a lot of authority.

     Bruce, the Police Chief just got fired in Hillsdale.HE GOT FIRED FOR MISCONDUCT

     Bill Somers, the deal with Piatt’s family should remain confidential. We as residents own this town,THIS IS PRICELESS,,,WE OWN THIS TOWN?WOW and we employee the officers and yet we can’t know what is going on!
Bruce, I am not here to debate and I respect Julie and will do my best to see that she gets a clear hearing. This job is not a thankful opportunity.

     Pages 22-25 are the summary of some of the things I have been working on and you will see who is behind each item:
      #4- the firing of the Hillsdale Police Chief- I have talked to Rock Island County and there is no complaint from the Rock Island County deputy.  Ryan, there was a complaint from Hillsdale sent to a specific Board member,AGAIN,WHAT BOARD MEMBER?PATSY FIDLAR, who withheld it for 3-4 days. Bruce, that letter was a contributing factor to the firing of the Hillsdale Police Chief. Ray noted, as the investigating officer he had made contact with Police Chief Ringberg and he stated he was not there. I replied you wrote the letter! He informed me a Cordova officer had left his jurisdiction running hot and he had written the letter on behalf of a Rock Island County deputy Miller.THE CHIEF IS FRIENDS WITH PATSY FIDLAR, SEEMS HE LIKES TO LIE AS SHE DOES Boyd said it did not happen and Rock Island County takes care of their own correspondence. Bruce noted he had also spoken with the Sheriff’s Department on this and was told the same thing.

       Scott Gardner, let’s go back to #3. Bruce I have gone through several documents and records and the termination was justified. Scott questioned if there is a pending investigation? Ray, there is an on-going State investigation. Scott on July 12th I contacted Jim at the State’s Attorney Office and he was unaware of any investigation. I was told by Sgt Goossen when I had Rich working for me at my facility the Cordova Police Department would not respond until Rock Island County was on the grounds and this concerns me. I do not plan to continue to employ him the remainder of this season.
      Bruce the officers being together due to the nature of the on-going investigation can turn into a he said/she said, thus a controversial situation. I thought when we talked we both agreed and the Cordova officers will continue to do the drive-thru patrol. INTERESTING HERE Scott agreed ,WELL ILL BE,HE AGREEDbut noted there is nothing on the State Attorneys desk Bruce, rarely will they talk about an on-going case. Scott, I do not want to jeopardize the public or your officers. Bruce, I respect your business and it is good for the community.
    Ray, I have 4 pending cases now that have not reached the State Attorneys desk.
    John Myers questioned if anyone knew of an officer Patterson? Ray, yes.AND HERE OUT OF THE BLUE, HE DROPS A NAME,,,WAS I TO BE IMPRESSED?

       #5 Passing the Riverdale School bus-I have spoke to the bus driver, the Superintendent and an eye witness. The bus was on the street and the police squad was in the parking lot. The bus driver thought, out of the corner of her eye, she seen the car move. The eye witness and Ryan both say the vehicle was parked. We need to be very careful as this situation is a felony. We hear from Pat otherwise and she says she has additional information but has refused to cooperate SHE REFUSED TO COPPERATE AS SHE IS A LIARand my decision is based on evidence.

      #6 Sexual Harassment- we have nothing.  No statements, affidavits, evidence-only allegations.

      #7-Motorized bicycles is still being investigated and is an open case. Ray, TJ said he was harassed at his place of employment-it was not Ryan or myself. Marty went to talk to him.  TJ, I didn’t say at my employer.
       Jim Hines, this is a censored meeting-you laid out the rules that we were going to be courteous and respectful and the snide remarks need to stop.  Bruce we need data, sworn affidavits and not off the cuff comments.

       #8 Stabbing incident- Ken McCool advised my some investigation is under way due to remarks made about this situation.A MAINTENANCE WORKER,AUSTIN MCCOOL STABS A PERSON 4 TIMES,AND NO INVESTIGATION ON HIM,NO COMMENTS BY THE GANG OF 4 ON THIS.THIS IS A ACT OF SEVERE VIOLENCE,BUT NO MENTION OF IT WHATS SO EVER ODD.

      #9 Ramada Inn Allegations- this continues to be brought up and it was in 2009.  I had conversation with Pat yesterday and she says it happened.SHE STILL INSISTS THIS HAPPENED,THIS MEETING WAS IN JULY,STATUE OF LIMITATIONS IS ONE YEAR FOR SLANDER AND DEFAMATION,AND I PLAN TO PURSUE THIS, I am aware of a City of Moline Incident Investigation Report that notes unfounded and I have also questioned Rock Island County and officer Goossen.

     #10 Police coat purchase.  Ryan Pat objected and said I wouldn’t be here long. Bruce, I told Ryan the sign in the yard was not a smart thing to do (#11) and we have had conversation about it. He exercised his right of free speech but he has a special position being a Police Officer and that is close to the line.
       Ryan, the Illinois Municipal Handbook says you can’t fire anyone for exercising their Constitutional Rights. It was also wrong for Mr. Hines to say I had only been in the community for 6-8 months.  Bruce, we all know what gets in the newspapers in not always right.  Jim Hines, you said things against Pat and she has been here 30-40 years and is an elected official.  You were out of line and unprofessional and you owed Pat an apology.  I did find out later you did apologize. Ryan, I am a new resident with a wife and 3 children and  did not appreciate the comment that we should be driven out of town-how would that make you feel!

     #12 Police harassment of Trustee Fidlar- again repeated complaints but no affidavits, witness or evidence.  Allegations unfounded. SHE CAN LIE ABOUT A PERSON,SAY HE MOLESTED HIS OWN CHILD,IS THIS NOT HARASSMENT?SHE IS THE BIGGEST HARASSER THERE ISKen McCool, there are complaints.SO THERE'S COMPLAINTS,ARE THEY VALID?NO, Bruce, I have reviewed the complaint book and minutes I as still researching. Ken, that is why we need a better recording system and a video.  John Haan, harassment can occur without a witness. Bruce then we have a he said/she said.
     #13 Alleged molestation by Fidlar.  Pat questioned Bruce you have been a Trustee for how long! Bruce I will have control of this meeting and again this story has been fabricated. Pat, I resent the statements Goossen made to the press tonight. Ray, would you take a polygraph at my expense? Pat, you are crazier than a bedbug. INTERSTING HERE IS THAT SHE CAN HARASS,SLANDER,AND LIE AND THEN  SHE WILL REFUSE A POLYGRAPH,WHY?SHE IS EVIL AND A COMPULSIVE LIAR Bruce, one more and you will leave. Pat they can’t touch me Here IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF FIDLAR THINKING THAT SHE CAN DO WHATEVER,SAY WHATEVER,AND  NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING TO HER,WELL SHES GOING TO BE IN FOR SURPRISE, and Ryan has been fired anyhow. You don’t have to call Rock Island County for back-up, they are already here. Bruce noted he had been called the jack-ass in charge.

     #14 Scotts law- Patrick Wirth is the correct name. Vicky Barber noted Ryan had apologized and she thought that needed to be voiced publically. 

      #15 the recovery of stolen property

     #16 mopeds-this is still an ongoing situation.  Mopeds do require a driver’s license to operate on the streets. John Myers questioned if the moped is a manufactured and if so as licensed as such.  Bruce, if it has a motor you must have a Drivers license.  John Myers, manufactured they are 50CC and there is a difference between a moped and a bike with a motor, motorized bicycle. Bruce I have had conversation with 3 captains of Rock Island County and there is no debate.  The situation was described and it will now move through the courts. Ryan, the law is very vague and Ray has obtained additional information from the State Attorneys office.
     Ken questioned if the cases had been thrown out-that’s what I heard?  Jared Cole, under 50Cc and 150 pounds they are legal.  Bruce, I was told any officer would handle this situation the same as we did. There has been a lot of effort and anguish in this situation.

     Julie Hager, Ryan has tried to talk to me an apologize too but both of the officers have said thing at the gas station that did not happen.  Bruce thanked Julie and noted we need to heal as a community.  Ryan, I would like to set down with the family. Julie, Ryan was more professional than Ray. Ray had an attitude where Ryan was level headed. They can’t be saying things as it gets back to people.  Ryan, some things need to be taken with a grain of salt as they are not always relayed correctly.  Julie, I have heard from at least 5 people.  Bruce, I am thankful for Tom’s business but the conversation around the gas pump is not  always reliable. Ryan, we have been hearing you have filed a $100,000 suit.  Julie that is not true-I grew up here and yes I did think about moving.  Ryan we all need to forgive and forget.  Julie again noted Ryan is very professional

     Mike Piatt, you can’t believe the conversation at the gas pump as truth and you said we need sworn statements.  Bruce,  some people tend to feed and I need to deal with facts. Julie, the police officers need affidavits too. Bruce, a Police Report is a sworn statement.  If an officer files a false report it is a felony.

      Ginny Bennett, everyone needs to file a report-citizen or police. We all know how a story can get started on a telephone and by the time it gets down the line the entire story has changed.  Look at the Casey Anthony case.

     #18 Email- I got a copy of the email and talked to Ryan.  Ryan, when Karen heard I was a police officer that was what made her feel it was threatening. She turned it over to the State Attorneys office but asked them not to prosecute it.
     Candy Moyer questioned if there is documentation in the personnel file of the conversations and reprimands?  Bruce, I have been in this position for 3 weeks.

      Ginny, this man has been in this position for 3 week and he is trying to make things right. I can’t believe the way you people are going at him. Amy Haan, didn’t you run for office and back out? Ginny, people were saying things about me and I knew I would never have a minute of peace.  It is to bad people have to be that way.

     #19 cell phone usage- the officers have to use both the phone and laptop squad computers in their duties.

     #20 Daughter in squad-Ryan, I will make no apology for this. The car is stationary and parked and children love to see police squads and fire trucks and how they work. I went to the Church at vacation bible school and gave out goodie bags for click it-ticket and the loved the squad. I love children and we need to conduct a bike rodeo.

      #21 underage party- Ryan, it was a drug and alcohol situation. People fled and I returned and hour later to arrest an intoxicated person getting into a vehicle to drive off. I had a problem due to faulty equipment and could not contact Rock Island County.  The homeowner called Rock Island County to say I needed help.

      #22 Safe recovery- we had a very happy elderly man when the contents were returned to the owner.  Why it was not taken care of prior is unknown.

      #23- QC Online suit-the Village is not involved.

     #24-attempted bribery.  Dean Moyer offered to buy a position. I said at the time to Dean, you do not want to go there! He was trying to make a point but because of the toxic nature of things going on here we are.  Dean, yes I said it. Jim Hines. Why is Goossens name behind this one?WHY?I WAS THE INVESTIGATOR  Ryan, complaint from a citizen or confidential informant and he was the investigating officer but no longer is. Dean, it was a joke.  Why are we spending our time and money for an investigation-you stupid bastard! HERE WE HAVE AND ELECTED OFFICIAL ACTING LIKE HES A BULLY,TYPICAL Bruce, they have to do their job Dean, this is public information.  Bruce we are not getting anything productive done. He made the comment and it was run with. Yes it may be unfair.  Jim Hines, you are the Police chair and you can say it was a joke.

     #25 Henry County rape- this is just a flavor of the things we do.  Ryan, I had a person come to me and disclose 5 additional victims.

     Ken McCool questioned what the investigation has cost the village in the recovery of stolen property?  Ray, we are not here to make money.  Bruce, there were 4 counties involved in this.  Ryan, and no one has told us thanks.  Bruce, it has raised and embarrassment to Exelon with the theft recovered items from their site.  Ken, is anyone else sharing in the expenses?  Bruce, it really didn’t cost but there was a spike in hours but we were down with the decline in hours with the personnel changes we had.

     Ray, I took a call which said a tractor from Cordova was in Fulton and we found a lot more.  Whiteside County backed off the situation. Dan Bush, Carroll County had knowledge 8 weeks before we became involved. Ray, there are still items there.  Bruce we still have evidence at Cordova Township and now our investigation  officer, in all of this turmoil has resigned.  Ray we recovered a $75,000 John Deere Loader and this is still an on-going criminal investigation.

   Page 31 Conclusions. This is an embarrassment and we need to be scolded. The toxicity has damages our community reputation. This needs to stop.

     Bill Somers, I complained to the Chief when my son was driving without a  license and had not been notified by the State and was unaware of if.THE SON TOLD MYSELF AND THE FORMER CHIEF THAT HE DIDNT EVEN CHECK HIS MAIL SOMETIMES FOR 3 MONTHS,YOU WERE NOTIFIED SOMERS, They had him stopped when Wirth passed them and it wasn’t until the next day that Wirth was issued the citation for failure to reduce speed for an emergency vehicle. My son says Wirth did not fly by as he just left a stop sign a ½ block back.  We had 2 officers at the scene and my vehicle was left in the street, no lights with the keys in the ignition-why didn’t one of the stay with the vehicle until I got there? Ray, I followed him when he did not signal a turn at 11th &  Main and I had been informed he may be intoxicated. I had probable cause when he did not signal. He had an open can of beer in the vehicle, for which he was not charged. I did not take him to Rock Island County but brought him up to the Village and he called his dad. I did administer a breathe test. I tried to make it easy on everyone and if you want to call that unprofessional what do you want?  Bill, Bruce needs to stay out of this.ANOTHER WITH THE BULLY MENTALITY

     Ginny, Bruce is the Police Chair and only trying to do his job. The Trustees get paid $125 month and the Mayor $500.  Bruce, I have not been cashing my checks and I am in this for the public. I am getting calls at all hours and I love being here for the citizens. It does embarrass me that Cordova is on the front page of the newspaper 4-5 days a week. I just spoke with a reporter. I have lived here 9 years. This is a good town. We need to get the newspaper articles correct.

      Julie Hager, the question was brought up earlier and I think we need to know the number of arrest made and citation in relation to those thrown out.  Bruce, I do believe the majority stand but we have the squeaky wheels and attitudes affecting thing. Julie, I kept my mouth shut till March. Bruce, I didn’t mean that at you and I apologize if that is what you think.  We have built this ora and got a lot of unfounded allegations and unjustice. We have the officers chasing rabbits that don’t exist.

     Julie, we have let the officers get by with stuff that shouldn’t have happened. I warned you that the situation was going to get worse and they needed to be reined back. They may need to be re-trained. Don’t even say I am a squeaky wheel. Bruce, my apology if you interpreted it that way.
     John Myers, it also bothers me if we are having cases thrown out. YOU MR. MYERS HAVE NO CLUE OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM, We shouldn’t have that if our officers are doing good work the citation would be upheld. Bruce, some get to a judge and others get to a trial. I do not see a pattern of bad police work. John Myers, when tickets are thrown out it raises a red flag!AND THIS COMING FROM A COMPULSIVE LIAR

      Scott, I was on the Board in Albany for 8 years and what do you think is contributing to all of these complaints?  Bruce, I will reserve my judgment.  I get calls and yes I listen.  We also have the toxicity of the Board and that is the reason I accepted this position is to stop it.  We have real estate not selling due to the reputation and it could be affecting empty business sites and future community growth if someone researches us. I do pray that hasn’t happened. I feel embarrassed that 2 people have been chased off of the Police Committee already but I see Rochelle’s point and she does not need to put her health at risk.

    Joanne Hines, the last statement made in your presentation “ Wanton disregard of the good of Cordova”. I have served this community for 17 years and you have people attending the meetings when you have controversy. So where do you see the disregard?

    Bruce, the meeting held Friday was irresponsible and uncalled for. I prepared a survey and ask for input but believe we need the confidentially to get response. We want people  to be comfortable so they can be honest and straight forward.  We will also include a stamped envelope for return to achieve a higher return rate if possible and ensure the people the survey is getting in the right hands. 

      Joanne, we have 3 people in our household with differing opinions.  Bruce we will works that out but I do feel there is a sense of urgency and we need to get this out. Hopefully we will get a 20-30% return.

      Jim Hines, per our phone discussion Bruce said only the Police Committee will see the surveys.  Why isn’t the rest of the Board allowed to get involved?  Bruce, I am sure there are a number of people who would be uncomfortable if the officers, Board members or Mayor seen them.  Bruce called for a raise of hands from the audience as to who cared how many and who were involved in reviewing the surveys and got a mixed vote. Jim I trust the 5 of the Police Committee but I also trust the rest of the Board. 

    Alvin Barber, it is what it is and there is nothing to hide.

    Bruce the Sheriff Department also things it would be the best way to handle it.  Amy Haan, the Board can override you so what you say makes no difference.WOW, CLASSY LADY STATEMENT

     Jim Hines, the minutes are not a true transcript.  I can go chapter and verse and parts of conversation have been left out.  Bruce the Village is not going to spend the money for a court reporter. I have never seen any censored as you claim.  If we see something missing we have the opportunity before the minutes are approved. We are wanting to upgrade the recording system.  Jim, never have I said we need a court reporter. Bruce, this is not necessary.
    Ken McCool questioned who owned the camera in the corner of the room. Ryan, I do.  Ken, it is illegal to video me without my consent and you have not obtained permission to tape me. AND THIS MAN WAS A BOARD MEMBER FOR HOW LONG?AND HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THE OPEN MEETING ACT?MAYBE YOU NED TO BE RE TRAINED Bruce, he asked me and I approved it.  This is a public meeting.

     Ray, a police officer has its unpleasant tasks but I have notice the 8-10 at this meeting creating complaints have a history and do not have a pleasant view of the Police Department. I may be crustier and harder.  We play with the Children when we are patrolling and this is a beautiful river town.

     Ken, we as taxpayers pay State, County and Village.  As citizens and taxpayers we have the right if we have a concern to come to the Board.  Concerns need to be looked at and investigated to the best of your ability.

    John Myers, the bottom line-wonton disregard-couldn’t it be said for the concern of the Village.  Bruce, those are my words, not he Police Committee.

     A motion was made by John Myers and 2nd by Bruce Wood to adjourn the meeting at 10:12PM.   Meeting adjourned.



  1. this is my first time seeing this blog, I must say Ray, you are "slanting" things at times just a bit. As I have said many times before publicly, these "minutes" are CENSORED by the village clerk and NOT always accurate. In this case that is clear at the onset, the MAYOR is not listed as in attendance yet there he was front and center at the meeting. I've seen Ryan's video(foia request that 3 weeks to get, parts of which were CLEARLY deleted)Alot is right,(in the minutes) what it does NOT reflect is body language, voice tone, and ALL words spoken. You cannot deny this. Disecting the minutes of the board can be manipulated to ones OWN opinions, I look forwarded to your comments regarding THESE minutes. Remember, I was there.

  2. regardless of minor omissions, such as leaving out the mayor's name, the content of these minutes is absolutely alarming. there are accusations here that have to be backed up with substance, or there is no 1983 tort immunity that will protect the accuser,elected official or not. mr. hines makes a valid point that things can be slanted, however, he does not address the "meat and potatoes" of the minutes. as he appears to take great pride in his community, where are his concerns of the following:
    1) allegation of molestation? WOW. Either the officer needs to be fired and incarcerted if true, or the person making the allegation, if false, needs to be dealt with legally and certainlly would have no place in an elected position.
    2) Stabbing in Cordova? This is scary. Mr. Hines, are you aware a person was stabbed multiple times? Do you have any concerns that the assailant works for the village? You express many concerns on the police so I would expect you to do the same, especially when there is actually proof of something, particularly violence that could have ended in one or more deaths. Absolutely frightening. People, if you don't have concerns about that incident, you are living in some kind of la la land.
    3) Intimidation of an elected official? Isn't that illegal? But is it true? We continuously hear allegations that seem to have little or no substance. If an officer did this, he/she should be fired. If someone is lying, they should be charged. Mr. Hines, wouldn't you agree?
    4) Ramada Inn? That one baffles me, how is Cordova alleged or actually involved in anything with a Ramada Inn? I have only heard rumors which I give no creedence to; I'd like to know what the truth is, allegations and otherwise.
    5) Recovery of belongings. I saw this story straight from the officer's mouth on tv. It was really a feel good story, why is it a "concern?" The officers should be commended, wouldn't you agree Mr. Hines?
    6) Passing a school bus. This is getting a little annoying. I am reading through the minutes/concerns, some are ridiculous, some are mysterious, and most have no evidence. Once again, if an officer did this, and endangered children, there must be consequences. If they did not--and according to Mr. Wood, Mrs. Fidlar had proof but would not provide it?--then I am seeing a trend of harassment on the part of Mrs. Fidlar. I am not taking sides, but you don't claim to have evidence, not provide it, and continue to make accusations. Why is Mrs. Fidlar mentioned in so many of these, but I am seeing no proof (if I'm not privy to the evidence then my breath is wasted and points moot)of anything she alleges as being true. As with minutes like Mr. Hines states, facts can also be greatly bent and in a powerful way when done by the media. We have all seen the Argus' slant, and that is against the officers. Rarely is there a quote from the officers. Are they not allowed to talk or are the reporters being biased? Again, where is evidence of harassment or intimidation? Why is the Argus not sharing some of the cops' side, that it is in fact Mrs. Fidlar causing the trouble? Mr. Hines, you'd have to agree we've seen almost nothing with evidence and yet many claims by the Fidlar lady. I'm sure you would agree that anyone making false allegations would need to be dealt with appropriately, as you seem to be a reasonable person. Are you not concerned with anything more than the censoring of minutes? There are some very serious issues here, MOLESTATION! STABBING! Mr. Hines are you a parent? Do these not concern you?
    Seven: oh enough already. I look forward to the aforementioned poster's responses.
